Sale off 13-19% of tickets from Hanoi to Sapa

In Sapa, traveller will be impressed by the wonderful natural scenery and enjoy delicious dishes . is shockly discounting train tickets from Hanoi to Sapa from 13-19%. Hury up! Buying tickets right now!

Sapa has many famous landscape, tourists won’t worry about what to eat and where to go. With a 13-19% discount , promises to bring to travelers an interesting journey.

1. What to eat and where to visit in Sapa?

Sapa has a lot of water and delicious dishes such as grilled eggs, baked heart, baked sweet potato … It is so great to enjoy barbecue in this little cold weather!

Although Sapa is a mountainous district, it has many specialties of fish such as trout, sturgeon... Restaurants process them into various foods such as soup, grill, steam... Beside there are many moutainous dishes as goats, horses, wild boar ...

Buying tickets right now to have the opportunity to enjoy the delicious specialties in Sapa

Buying tickets right now to have the opportunity to enjoy the delicious specialties in Sapa

In Sapa, tourists don’t miss the beautiful sites such as: Sapa ancient Church, Ham Rong mountain, Silver waterfall, Gate of Heaven ... Morever, romantic villages bear culture of ethnic people such as Ta Phin, Cat. Particularly, you can conquer the top of Phan Si tape - the highest mountain of Vietnam.

Not only do you admire the beautiful natural scenery  but you enjoy the fresh air, with diverse weather in Sapa: cool morning, sunny noon and afternoon, chilly night as well.

2. Buying cheap tickets from Hanoi to Sapa

There are many means of transport for you to choose such as taxi, self drive rental cars, coaches, buses ... In particular, the train is prefered by the safety and comfort.

In the era of technology, you do not need to go to the ticket office. You still purchase good tickets as you expect when staying at home. Where is to buy quality and cheapest tickets? sale off 13-19%  ticket to Sapa sale off 13-19%  ticket to Sapa

Only with 550.000VND/ ticket, you will be one of passengeres on the train with smooth berth, blankets, pillows, air conditioner ... We also have many preferential tickets depending on the number of berths and the quality of train.

All kinds of train tickets provided by are on discounts  from 13% to 19%. Booking train tickets quickly to save money and experience exciting journey on the train.

Calling 0906.80.90.95 - 0989.66.12.64 for advice and purchasing online!

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Instead of looking for the dozens of websites that sells train tickets making you hesitant, you have better choose because if you buy once, you will be taken care of forever!

>> see more the lastest information of Sapa cheap train tickets here <<

Now you knew how much tickets travel to Sapa, right?

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Sapa cheap train tickets

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