Experience buy train tickets to Lao Cai to Sapa travel

Start the trip to Sapa this summer the first thing is to buy train tickets to LaoCai.Then, we find out, on what then should buy as a gift for your pile every day groaning demanding gifts at home. Vetausapagiare.com.vn will suggest to you a few things to make sure to buy the come offline.

Sapa like paradise with great cool weather along the romantic scene in the summer. A lot of you do choose Sapa tourist destination. I, too, last June I decided to buy train ticketsto Lao Cai to travelSapa theater with friends. But what to buy as a gift Sapa right?

1. Brocade map:

Walking on the night just before the market Sapa Stone church, I could not resist the charms of accessories lovely brocade, unique for the people here to do that.

I enjoyed the dish this handmade brocade furniture

I enjoyed the dish this handmade brocade furniture

I bought a dozen arms brocade, brocade bags to gift friends and used as a believer vintage capital. I gave my mother bought a scarf, shirt donated Brocade announced, both the wallet with beautiful motifs, and both ethnic Thai dress as a souvenir for the trip.

2. Buffalo meat upstairs kitchen, cider cat.

Before going to announce themselves and said: "Take Me buy buffalo meat upstairs kitchen, cider cat about to announce here. Is not published does not buy train ticketsto to goSapa,to stay at home. "He intimidated me yeah, this is heard 2 specialty dishes elaborately ultimate in Sapa, particularly for some middle-aged to win as father .

Meat buffalo kitchen upstairs pretty much sold in Sa Pa, cost about 800 thousand to 1 million VND / kg depending on quality

Meat buffalo kitchen upstairs pretty much sold in Sa Pa, cost about 800 thousand to 1 million VND / kg depending on quality

3. Gabion Sapa peach

Oh this fruit fascinated me much always does. Digging Sapa though not eye-catching look but eat crispy sweet taste and aroma. I bought a peach of Hmong and Dao sold along the road near the church Sa Pa at around 30000-40000 copper / 1 cart around 4kg. Always eating ecstasy.

Feeling like buying train ticketsto Lao Cai to Sapato this fruit alone reviews, delicious

Feeling like buying train ticketsto Lao Cai to Sapato this fruit alone reviews, delicious


My mom lovesmushrooms. Mother told Sapa mushrooms are number one. Mushrooms Sapa sweet, soothing scents such as earth and sky here. Fresh mushrooms can be cooked a lot of delicious dishes such as stewed chicken mushroom soup, fried chicken with onion and mushroom, mushroom soup, mushroom beef ... I bought a little about her mother donated.

Sapa has many specialties, certainly a purchasetrain tickets to Lao cai to Sapa to enjoy, you will not regret

Sapa has many specialties, certainly a purchasetrain tickets to Lao cai to Sapa to enjoy, you will not regret

it shared shared to trot right, I show you a train ticket to Sapa cheap but very good quality light, I no need to place the station, just a gentle clicks I was able to buy train tickets to Lao Cai online online is quick and convenient.

Give your phone number nè, you call Vetausapagiare.com.vn (0906.80.90.95 - 0989.66.12.64 (Mr.Truong) for consulting them.

have fun trip!

main Source: vetausapagiare.com.vn

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Now you know about the tickets go sapa how much money,right?

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