Booking tickets Hanoi to Lao Cai train with the cheapest price

If you wanna travel to Lao Cai by train, why don’t you book train tickets Hanoi to Lao Cai right now? Train tickets to Lao Cai are quickly “sold out”, especially in the high season. To purchase good train tickets to Lao Cai with the best fare, contact us via

There are many means of transport to Lao Cai, but the train is prefered most. provides train tickets from Hanoi to Lao Cai and train tickets to the contrary at the cheapest price, discounts 13-19% for all types of tickets.

1. Selecting means of transportation to Lao Cai

1.1.Coach, bus: You can choose car berths or seat Car, Sleeper Bus. Traveling to Sapa, bus and coach are more convenient because they stop at Sapa town. However these means are quite dangerous in the rainy season because of high passes.

1.2.Self drive car rental: If you travel in a group, hiring self driven car is also quite convenient. You can be active about the time of departure as well as the traveling in Lao Cai. However, the cost of rental is quite expensive and procedures are so complicated . You will have many troubles with unfamiliar roads and car damage.

1.3. Buy train tickets Hanoi to Lao Cai: Taking the train is slower than cars but safer and firmer. We assure that facilities on every carriage will make you pleasure. Especially sorf berth cabin, you can enjoy sound sleep with warm blanket, melodious bed and cool air.

Train to Lao Cai Sapa - What a convenient and luxury space!

Train to Lao Cai(Sapa) - What a convenient and luxury space!

2. Buying train tickets to Lao Cai with the cheapest fare

If you travel to Lao Cai by train, taking the initiative to order train tickets as soon as possible. Sa Pa is a famous destination, near the border gate, so the route from Ha Noi to Lao Cai is always crowded with passengers. Therefore, you can not buy tickets as your expectation if your booking is too late.

You just waste your precious time when purchasing tickets directly in train station or unreliable website! To save time, money and others problems for your journey, accessing to purchase good train tickets. provides train tickets with the wood-paneled cabin, air conditioner, full facilites and clean toilet … Train tickets from Ha noi to Lao Cai are discounted from 13% to 19%. train conductor quality, best price train conductor quality, best price

There are many cabin with several prices for you to choose, 520.000 VND / ticket, 580.000 VND /ticket, 650 thousand VND /ticket , 680.000 VND /tickets, 750.000 VND /tickets and VIP cabin for 2 people at only 2.5-3.2 million / ticket, respectively.

Ticket booking process is so easy ! You simply select the type of train, ticket price, then click "Book Now", our system  will instruct you steps to order train tickets from Ha Noi to Lao Cai.

Or you can contact the Hotline: (+84) (0)906.80.90.95 - 0989.66.12.64 (24/7) to be  consulted  A-Z  by Mr. Truong.

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Instead of consulting other amateur websites, you just need to choose because you will be taken care of forever after the first booking!

>> Looking for more cheap latest tickets train to Sapa cheap  here <<

Now you know how much train tickets to Sapa, don’t you?


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